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Choose right fibre optic for IT network

A reliable network is the basic requirement by entire computer systems. It come first in every layer of communication starting from core, distribution and access networks. If this is done done properly, later on you will get lots hassle maintaining and upgrading these glass fibre. 
Selecting the right type of fibre depends on individual need.  It is necessary to evaluate the current needs of the network and then look down the road to how it will be used in the future. The cable used to upgrade an existing backbone, for example, may be different from the cable used to connect directly to core switch modular. Future bandwidth requirements, transmission distances and network architecture influence fibre selection just as much as current needs. Therefore, a careful assessment of potential network usage will help avoid the costs of preventable upgrades.
Multimode OR single mode
Multi-mode (MM) optical fibre is a type of  fibre optic mostly used as backbone communication over shorter distances, such as within a building/campus. Typical multimode links have data rates of 10 megabit/second to 10 Gigabit/second over link lengths of up to 600 meters. multi-mode fibre are described using OM1, OM2, and OM3 which is based on the bandwidth of the multi-mode fibre. Among these three OM3 got higher network speed.
single-mode optical fibre is an optical fibre designed to carry only a single ray of light. In a single mode fibre data can travel up to 10 gigabits/second at a distances of over 60 km with commercially available transceivers and several hundred kilometres at 40 Gbit/second.
Duplex cable consists of two fibres, usually in a zip cord style. Use duplex multimode or single-mode fibre optic cable for applications that require simultaneous, bi-directional data transfer. Network Equipment require duplex cable. Duplex fibre is available in single-mode and multimode.
Simplex fibre optic cable consists of a single fibre and is used in applications that only require one-way data transfer. Simplex fibre is available in single-mode and multimode.
Connectors and modular
Connectors keep the information flowing from cable to cable or cable to device (switch/router/server/storage). Traditionally, networks have relied on ST connectors. Over time, they have moved to SC connectors, which provide slightly better performance against loss, more efficient installation, and easier maintenance. user embrace LC connector as data centre grows up. These connectors offer lower loss in a smaller form factor and provide higher performance and greater fibre density. Most network equipment can rely on modular Gigabit fibre-optic interfaces, called GBIC and SFP transceivers.
In practice, you have to study your needs and justify your investment for present and future. Choosing right fibre optic will help you to avoid any upgrade hassle and future cost of maintenance.


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