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Referer Spam Is Here, To Stay

Recently, we're seeing signs of Blogger blog owners who are tired of seeing references to referer spam, in their Stats displays.

Why doesn't Blogger put an end to referer spam?
Some are angrier, and tragically so.
Why can't Google put an end to referer spam? I'm moving my blog to WordPress!
There are several options, to ending referer spam - but not any option will be 100%, immediately, effective.

There are 3 ways that you may be able to see an end to this abuse of our patience, and our Stats displays.
  1. The spammers have to cease spamming.
  2. Google has to block the spam.
  3. You have to stop clicking on the links.

1. Referer spam, seemingly lame to us, is probably an excellent source of revenue for the spammers. Look at how easy it must be, to produce. All that is required is access to other peoples computers, to send the spam - and websites, with owners willing to pay for undeserved traffic. Minimum exposure - but constant income. What spammer, able to do this, will willingly stop?

2. Google is blocking referer spam - but it's a cat and mouse game. If you look at the referer spam which shows up in your Stats displays, you'll see that there is more than one spammer - and more than one spamming technique. Even as Google detects and blocks one specific technique, you can bet that another technique is being developed. As long as referer spam continues to produce income, spammers will continue to produce the spam.

3. Referer spam will continue to produce income, as long as blog owners continue to click on the links. And now, we are discussing the only way that referer spam will ever be stopped.

Don't click on the links.

That is the only way to make referer spam stop. Learn to use a proxy server, if you must check out your inlinks from Stats. Alternately, check out inlinks using a third party visitor information accessory, like SiteMeter or StatCounter, which is immune to referer spam.


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